Pre-implantation Genetic Screening

With worldwide statistics showcasing a big surge in the number of babies born with a genetic disorder, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis has gained a significant relevance in the world around in the recent times. While the overall test is been conducted within the highly efficient medical facilities at a hospital or clinic, its main motive is to track and monitor any kind of genetic irregularities within the born child.
Coming along as a leading center with the most advanced Infertility treatment today, Sure IVF is certainly the name to go for. The PGS test at the center will help in tracking of any kind of chromosomal defects or genetic disability in the recently fertilized egg. This will further ensure the proper fertilization and development of the embryos and the birth of a healthy baby out of IVF or any kind of ART services.
There are certain medical studies which have confirmed that the overall chances of certain chromosomal abnormalities within the embryos come at around 50 percent. The possibility of chromosomal abnormalities generally increases with an increase in age and it also pushes the chances of any kind of miscarriage from these abnormalities. PGS further enhance the chances of a successful pregnancy whilst identifying the healthy embryos prior to the fertilization process.
In what cases, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is recommended?
PGS/PGD is often recommended in the following cases: –
- Cases where one or both of the couple undergoing the infertility treatment is been diagnosed single gene mutations.
- When one or both of the couples are been diagnosed with any type of chromosome rearrangements which can further result in abnormal egg or sperm production.
- When the age of the women under treatment is more than 35 years.
- Women going through recurring implantation failure or miscarriages.
PGS Process
Pre-implantation genetic screening is conducted while retrieving a few cells from the embryo developed by fertilization of an egg with the sperm, and the whole process is then been carried out in a laboratory as a part of the IVF treatment or any other ART service.
The process accommodates various methods of screening like Advanced Embryo selection or Array Cgh where the sets of chromosomes are firstly screened in order to pick the best and most developed embryo; along with mapping process which is generally been preferred by couples which are coming along with any kind of single gene disorders.

Why one must go for PGS?
PGS is generally been preferred by couples because: –
- PGS is found relevant in identifying and eliminating almost 100 genetic disorders within the born child.
- PGS also helps in minimizing the growth of genetically abnormal fetuses to a great extent.
- It also helps in identifying and tracking any minimal chances of certain disorders in the newborn and ensures a healthy delivery of the child in the process.
- Pre-implantation genetic screening has further helped in bringing better results and success to most of the IVF treatments.
IVF and other infertility treatment procedures at SureIVF are been dealt with utmost care and the whole process is been conducted with utmost accuracy and exactness by our highly professional medical experts. Sure IVF has laid down bigger milestones in the field of successful infertility treatment with its high end professionalism and advanced facilities and this is why we are known as the best PGS center around.
Embryo retrieval:
The embryos developed and formed during the IVF are firstly retrieved to use them for the further process. These selected embryos are then been taken for biopsy process.
Embryo Biopsy:
The obtained embryos during the IVF are then been sent for the screening and evaluation purpose and the status of the chromosomes is firstly been checked during the same. This helps the physician to ascertain whether the embryo is carrying any sort of chromosomal abnormality.
Embryo transfer:
Once the embryos are been screened and diagnosed for any chromosomal abnormality, the selected healthy embryos are then been taken further for the implantation process in the IVF. This gets followed by a careful transfer of the embryos which will then lead to pregnancy