Surrogacy Treatment and Process
Surrogacy Treatments In India and globally has produced a much feasible option upfront to all those couples who were earlier been struggling with their “parenting dreams “just because of their infertility issues. Within the past few years, everyone form common people to celebrities have opted for high end surrogacy options in order to bring that little smile at their backyard.
Surrogacy treatments comes as an arrangement where a surrogate mother agrees to carry a baby for the intended parents in her womb either for monetary compensation or for free. When we talk about its various aspects, there are two types of Surrogacy arrangements i.e Traditional surrogacy and Gestational surrogacy.
Traditional surrogacy comes as a surrogacy arrangement where the surrogate mother is been artificially inseminated with the semen of the intended father and this case scenario, she will be biologically connected with the born child. On the other side, Gestational surrogacy is a surrogacy arrangement where the eggs and sperm derived from the intended parents are mixed in a lab dish and once it develops into an embryo, the same gets implanted into the womb of the surrogate mother. On the other side, Gestational surrogacy is more popular than the traditional surrogacy as here the surrogate mother won’t be having any genetic connection with the born child and both the parents will be biologically connected with the future child.
Pre-Screen Application
Surrogates are required to submit a pre-screen application which will either pre-qualify or disqualify them as potential surrogates.
Documentation Submitted
The surrogate will be required to submit documentation, including recent photos her home, insurance cards, and a valid driver’s license.
Medical Approval
Surrogates will need to submit their medical history and pregnancy medical records for review by a reproductive endocrinologist.
Sign Contracts
A surrogacy contract will be drafted and signed by both parties to officially begin the surrogacy journey.

Surrogacy Application
Surrogates will fill out an initial surrogacy application consisting of approximately fifty questions about their background, pregnancy history, obstetrical/gynecological information, and spousal information.
Psychological Evaluation & Background Check
We will conduct a psychological evaluation consisting of a PAI personality test to ensure that the surrogate is prepared to handle the pregnancy. In addition, the surrogate and her spouse/live-in partner (if applicable) will undergo a background check to ensure that they have no prior convictions that could negatively impact the surrogacy process.
Matching Process
We will propose a match based on the criteria the surrogate and the intended parents provide, and a phone call will be arranged for the surrogate to connect with the proposed intended parents. If both parties would like to continue working together after the call, they will move on to the contract phase of the process.
Searching for the surrogate mother
Once a couple thinks about going ahead for the surrogacy treatment in India or Dubai, Thailand, Kenya, the first and foremost thing they have to deal with is searching for the surrogate mother as per their preferences in the country and we help you to find the same. On the other side, they also have to think about all the legal aspects of the respective state or the country whilst they are doing the same and this is where a legal attorney has to be brought into the picture. The surrogate hereby has to be physically and mentally healthy and must come as per the preferences set by the intended parents earlier.
Screening process and Surrogate matching
Once the surrogate mother has been found by the intended parents, they will now be looking to match her according to their predefined preferences and requirements. This is something which needs to be carried forward by the surrogacy agency and we ate Sure IVF would efficiently complete the task for you in the whole journey.
The signing of the contract and embryo transfer process
Once the surrogate mother has been matched, she will then be required to sign a contract with the intended parents and the surrogacy agency and this will then be followed by the embryo transfer process as per the law where the Surrogacy treatments is taken. This is where the embryo created at the lab will be transferred into the womb of the surrogate mother which will be followed by the pregnancy test and diagnosis.
Claiming the custody of child
Once the surrogate mother has given birth to the child, the intended parents have to claim the custody of the same at the local court (depends on the state or country laws) where they have taken the Surrogacy Treatment. Once the custody has been claimed and the intended parents have got the custody of the child, they can fly back to their own country after furnishing the required documents.